Zoofs, The Most Talked About YouTube Videos On Twitter

ZoofsZoofs is a new simple and pretty fun service, offering users a destination where they can start to discover the YouTube videos that are proving popular with people on Twitter. So basically what the service does is scour twitter to find the most tweeted videos, ranks them according to popularity, and serves them up for users to enjoy.

The project is yet a new offering from TootCorp, the Jordan based company that brought us the video-sharing portal Ikbis and micro-blogging service Watwet in the past.

Visitors to the site can browse through videos by category, and also filter videos to show only the freshest (ones that were uploaded to YouTube in the past 72 hours only). The Zoofs team also mark some of the videos they really like as “Zoofs Picks” to highlight them for users.


The user interface is really simple and very straight-forward, both for the video wall listing the popular videos as well as the video view page itself; it also makes good use of YouTube’s support for HTML5, making it iPad and iPhone friendly. From within the interface, after viewing any video, users can also share it with their friends through a variety of social networking, bookmarking and sharing services.

The future plans are to expand Zoofs to support other platforms and data formats as well, also rolling out more interesting features.

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