Tweet To Email, Share Your Tweets With Your Friends Via Email

Tweet to EmailTweet to Email is a service that was recently launched from the UAE, that aims to make it easy for twitter users to share tweets of their choice directly with groups of their friends, who aren’t on twitter yet, through one of the oldest and most established sharing mediums online: email.

The concept is very simple and the tool is as simple and easy to use; the user signs up to Tweet to Email, inputting their twitter username while doing it, and then they get to create groups in which they can add their friends and contacts who they want to share with.

They get to choose a hash tag for each group they create (currently pre-defined and limited to five options), and when tweeting they can use that hash tag in their tweets if they want it sent to the people in that group, directly to their email inboxes.

The service monitors tweets and detects when a user used one of their groups’ hash tags, and automatically sends that same tweet to all the contacts in the group to their email addresses.

Tweet to Email

There are many tools that were built to automatically post a user’s tweets to facebook, linkedin and all sorts of other social networks, all in an attempt to bridge the gaps between people and keep them in touch and sharing together across different networks and platforms. Email was one of the pieces that remained out of the loop, and this service takes a position to fill that specific space.

Tweet to Email was founded in March 2010 by Ali Bin Yahia and based out of Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Update: Ali Bin Yahia, the founder of the service, just informed me that some new features went live today; The first of them is enabling users to sign in to the service using their Twitter accounts using oAuth integration, instead of having to sign up for a seperate account on Tweet to Email.

Another addition is the possibility for people receiving the tweets by email to choose to unsubscribe from getting them through a link provided in the email.

One thought to “Tweet To Email, Share Your Tweets With Your Friends Via Email”

  1. I like this service .. its very nice to see Arabs doing such ideas.. Mr. Ali has lot of great ideas according to my interactions with him.. Good luck 🙂

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